Thursday, August 6, 2009

Episode 3: Introducing you to some great kids that I have been spending some time with

Meet Calvin, also known as Calvo. He is 6 years old and knows he's cute. You know he is really laughing when he crinkles his nose, like like baby Ann! Calvo goes to school at Purpose Driven Academy. He lives with Pastor Joel and his wife Margaret. They have a 3 bedroom house that is very tiny.....and they have 19 children living with them. No, that isn't a typo-19 children plus 2 adults in a 3 bedroom house. Needless to say, the living areas are very cramped and they don't have much. The 19 children are not genetically Pastor Joel and Margaret's but they have taken many of the young orphaned children that attend Purpose Driven Academy into their home to provide them with some sort of a family life.

Calvo is a great kid and loves to be swung around and tickled. I hope you enjoyed meeting this adorable little boy!

Sorry the pictures are small. They take a very long time to upload on kenyan internet. You may be able to click on them to enlarge them....?

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